About Us


For  many years we have enjoyed seeing the numerous American Flags flown  throughout the Town of Herndon, especially during the weekend of the  Herndon Town Festival.  The demonstration of national pride and American  patriotism is part of what makes Herndon a great place to live.    Several years ago, however, a group of neighbors pondered why the Town  of Herndon Flag is not flown prominently during the Festival.  Many of  us didn’t even know the Town of Herndon had its own flag.

A new  Town Flag flown together with the American Flag will foster civic pride  in our community.  A well designed and displayed flag will also provide  each member of the Herndon community a way to express this pride to  others. After researching attributes of a well designed flags and after  creating numerous renditions, we came up with a flag which includes  symbolism evocative of our Town. This website explains the symbolism.   We hope you will like it and fly it proudly!

Mike McFarlane, Chairman
